Monday, January 26, 2009

Bilgates Vs Laden

I demonstrate 30-10-07’s News on Enadu. I am giving, as it is translation for your ready reference.


43rd place in 100.
He and Bilgates equal.
58th place to an India.
More people in America & Briton
Daily Telegraph declared through survey.


London: Osama Bin Laden. This name is familiar to all. We watch him as hard-core terrorist who made America to shrivel. But Daily Telegraph Journal of Briton is able to watch a ‘Great Intellectual’ in him. Neither like this nor like that. It had allotted 43rd place among Top 100 live intellectuals in the world. The same place of 43rd rank was allotted to BilGates of Micro soft.

Daily Telegraph survey had declared that the most of Top 100 live intellectuals are in America and Briton. As per the details of Survey: - 43 members of intellectuals are in America and 24 in Briton. As per average, in Briton, one intellectual for each 25 lacks of people where as in America one intellectual for each 6 lacks of people. If we consider according to averages, Briton is in Top position. For this survey, people were taken in to consideration who shown very talent in the fields of science and Technology, Business and Arts. Six experts lead this survey. They formulated this list by considering five topics are by discussing with 4 thousands British people through E-Mail.
The following are the details of survey………….. [The synopsis of list is in print]

Now let us discuss!

How the survey calculated the intellectuality of people and what are their parameters we don’t know. But how BilGates can be equal to Osama Bin Laden? Mr. BilGates is doing business. At the same time he changed the human life through his Microsoft. He provided employmentation to un countable people. He facilitated crores of people. He is a man of constructive mind. Mr. Osama Bin Laden is doing terrorism. At the same time he filled the human life with terror and impeacefulness. He is a man of destructive mind. No religion will tell to flow blood of floor. No God will tell to kill people, whatever his name Allah, Rama, Buddha or Yawe or Jesus. God is love, God is faith and God is truth. How a destructive mind can be equal to constructive mind? How the construction of a great architectural building is equal to destruction of it? How drawing a beautiful painting is equal to spoil it? To draw a beautiful paint, it takes long time. And high talent, concentration and man power is required. To spoil it, it takes seconds and no talent and concentration and man power required. If anybody argue that planning and manpower was used in destroy, we can give reply to them as follows. If such qualities were used in destruction, then such qualities should not be treated as qualities, rather than they can be treat as something psychological disorder, selfishness, business, or spying taken the veil of religion.

And more over how six experts headed team can decide intellectuality’s by interviewing 4000 people whereas 600+cores of people are there in the world? How the Daily Telegraph can send indications into public to consider some people are great and so and so ranked? If we question them; then they may show some rules and regulations as special conditions or limitations of their survey.

I am not asking the legality of survey of Media. I am asking about the ethical responsibility of Media? By creating such attitudes in public, can’t people think that which manner we become famous doesn’t matter, becoming fame in important. Which manner we become rich doesn’t matter, becoming rich is important. That’s enough to ruin the humanity.

Here Enadu the Telugu Daily Newspaper printed this, as it was the survey of Daily Telegraph of Briton. May be that Daily Telegraph will print another type of survey as it was done by Enadu or some ‘X’ paper of some ‘x’ country.

This strategy resembles ‘You scratch, my back and I scratch your back’

One more factorial example, I want to explain to you. Here in our South India, in this decade itself, a notorious smuggler of Sandal wood Mr. Veerappan got shot died. This example related to him. Here the forests are not as thick as Veerappan could escape. But miraculary Veerappan could escape. Might be it was his capacity. No police could reach him. But a Media man Nakkiran Gopalan could interview him whenever he desired. If the address or where about of such inhuman smuggler was known to Media man, is it not his responsibility to inform to police and co-operate to eliminate such evils from society? To save country and to save peacefulness of public life is not responsibility of Media?

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